What will be included with the new CBD streetscape?

    The focus for stage one of the Hamilton revitalisation project is Gray Street between Brown and Thompson Streets (including the roundabouts). The designs explore options to improve walking and cycling, introduce more public art and signage, better public spaces and parking, and improved trees and landscaping.

    Why are the Plane Trees proposed to be removed?

    As indicated in the Concept Plans, the current street trees (London Plane) throughout the CBD are causing issues and risks for Council due to how invasive their roots are being typically shallow and extending well beyond what other species do.

    Some examples of these issues include:

    • Roots are uplifting footpath surfaces creating tripping hazards;
    • Roots are uplifting road pavements in parking bays, allowing infiltration of moisture and creating pavement cracking, premature pavement failures, water pooling and tripping hazards;
    • Roots are infiltrating underground pipes affecting drainage capacities and adversely affecting other underground services;
    • Roots are invading the full footpath width causing continued maintenance issues;
    • The roots ever expanding search for water is also now beginning to undermine buildings and cause structural issues for building footings;
    • Leaves are blocking spouts and affecting drainage of roofs which can lead to early deterioration of building drainage elements and temporary flooding of premises;
    • Leaves are blocking drainage pits which can result in temporary flooding, until cleared; 
    • Fine hairy seeds from Plane Trees in Spring can cause irritation to the nose, throat and eyes of susceptible pedestrians; and
    • Tree trunks in planter boxes have outgrown the containers in many cases causing the sides to split and look unattractive.

    Due to these reasons, they are proposed to be removed as part of the project as each package is reconstructed and replace the trees with more suitable semi-mature species e.g. trees already aged 8-10 years old. The consultant has recommended a selection of options for more suitable species. The final species selection will be determined as part of this consultation with a list of new species included as part of the Concept Plans.


    How many parking spots will the new streetscape have?

    The total number of existing parking bays in the central block of Gray Street is 38, comprising 34 standard metered bays, three loading bays and one accessible bay. 

    The proposed reconfiguration has a slightly reduced total number of 36 parking bays, comprising 31 standard metered bays, three loading bays and two accessible bays. 

    The new parking meters and bins will be relocated, where necessary.